For people with conditions that affect mobility or cause them to use a wheelchair
A mobility assistance dog is a dog trained to help a person who has physical mobility issues. They may or may not be in a wheelchair.
A mobility assistance dog can help with many tasks – this list is not exhaustive. Training sessions will be tailored to each person’s individual needs.
Mobility assistance dogs can also assist people who have difficulty with balance, walking or gaining stability by themselves.
Dogs can be taught to help with the following:
Retrieving dropped items
Retrieving named items
Opening and closing doors
Holding doors open so handler can pass through
Opening and closing cupboards
Opening and closing drawers
Helping remove clothing e.g. socks
Turning lights on and off
Put rubbish into bin (this would depend on nature of rubbish)
Get the mail
Put items onto countertop
Remove laundry from washer or dryer
Carrying items
Fetch a cordless phone
Press lift buttons
Pick up clothes pegs.